News » Vacancy for Cleaner/Caretaker
Vacancy for Cleaner/Caretaker 7 September, 2020 | |
A vacancy for a Cleaner/Caretaker at Hartshill Community Centre has become available. It will be a flexible position starting at 6hours per week with a view to increasing this as Centre usage increases. The role will involve cleaning and light maintance in work in the building, opening and locking up for Centre hirers and making sure the building is secure. Please apply in writing to or by post to Parish Clerk, Hartshill Community Centre, Church Rd, Hartshill, CV10 0LY. Interviews to take place on the 25th September.
The full job description can be downloaded at the link below:
/userfiles/files/Document%20Archive/Staff%20Vacancy/Job%20Description%20Cleaner-Caretaker%201.pdf [+ go back...] |