title="Hartshill Parish Council in Warwickshire"> Site A-Z  

News  »  Major Outline Planning Application

   Major Outline Planning Application     8 March, 2018

Site Address: Land East of Castle Road & North of Camp Hill Road, Hartshill & Nuneaton, 

(Grid Ref: Easting 433028.23, Northing 293710.65)

Description of Development: Outline application for mixed development comprising the erection of up to 382 residential (class 3a) dwellings together with a local centre providing up to 280sqm net sales area with ancillary parking (22 spaces) associated access to Castle Road and Camphill Road (including demolition of 116 and 118 Camp Hill Road), sustainable drainage system (Suds) open space, landscaping and related infrastructure works, including courtyard bungalow development of two bed sheltered bungalows (Class C3b) and 28 x 2, 3 and 4 (Class 3a) discount for sale ""starter homes""
The planning application number is PAP/2018/0140 this linked document explains how you can view and make comments to North Warwickshire Borough Council on the application

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